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testimonial 1
Testimonial 2

Kiwa's Miracle Story with IH :First time to experience " The Miracle" 


Kiwa's lazy eyes started when she was 3 years old. She went to see many different doctors to fix her eyes. After 30 years, she came to IH course hoping this energy work will do something on her eyes. I had a session and all her body asked me was to ding dong tuning forks 20times over her body. I wasn't sure if it was enough to "fix" her eyes.  When she opened her eyes after the session, her eyes were still same as before. I sighed... and we went back to the same hotel that night. I shared the room with her and 3 other girls. Kiwa said she would go taking a shower first. Then the rest of us were talking. When she got out of shower, she called me "Izumi, look at me!" I turned around and saw her face. Her eyes were looking straight and it was hard to believe it yet it was the first time I face with " the miracle". I was so shocked, surprised, astonished and startled that I burst into tears with happiness. 


Next day when I woke up, I asked Kiwa if her eyes were still straight and they were!!!


How could people believe that 30 years of struggle just disappeared with just 20 ding dong of tuning forks?

Mathilda always says " Spirit is very simple. Ego makes everything complicated" 

There is no way I can say " I " fixed her eyes... Just I did whatever her body told me to do. 


Wow...this case really showed me we are energy and all we need to do is to look for the blocakge of energy and release them. 



Testimonial 3

TMJ and Detox:

As a bodyworker, I take care of human bodies. I learned that no matter how much you work on your body, the condition will be back unless you take care of client's TMJ. Taking care of TMJ is a LOT of delicate work. If therapists are not in the right place techinically, emotionally and spiritually, TMJ could be treated wrong. When I learned TMJ in IH course, Mathilda taught us "TMJ relates to detox. If TMJ is out, the body's toxins built up". I was up in Demo and Mathlda used muscle test as bio feed back to check which part of jaw she needed to release the energy.  It was just a miracle experience I have ever had! I felt like somebody was pushing so hard on my jaw from right side. When she changed position next, I felt my jaw was pushing down. 


then after that, I felt my jaw was shaking side to side so fast. 


When the procedure was done, I felt new sensation on my jaw. BUT all she did was touching my jaw with her fingers.


10minutes later, my intestine started to make big noise and trembling around. I went to bathroom and I had the stinkiest fart I have ever smelt. I thought it would be shameful to let other students smell this stinkiness so I sucked it up and went to the other hidden bathroom. I told Mathilda " Please tell students not to use this bathroom for next 10minutes!" When I hid myself in the back bathroom, I had the longest fart in my life as well as poop. ,  which I couldn't believe where the air stayed in my belly.


When I came out of the bathroom, Mathilda said to me " How could you have that stinky fart?! I thought I would pass out! "


Usually I have been very careful what to eat and I avoid any food which causes me fart. So this procedure really made me aware TMJ really relates to detox. 


If you want to detox and buy so many supplements to go for detox program, I highly recommend that you check the TMJ first. 

and IH TMJ never hurt your TMJ because all we do is to put finger as your body tells. It is just amazing....


Testimonial 4

Miyoko's Animal Session 


“If it is complicated, it’s from ego.  Spirit is simple.”  -Diana Cooper

This was the biggest lesson I learned during the IH course in NY.  One good example is the phobia session by Mathilda.  Please read the previous blog post.

I would like to present another example that means a lot to me.

One day after the class, I gave a session for a cat name Queenie.  She is my classmate Fusako’s cat.  She is aging, has possible pancreatitis, and has lost 3~4 lbs (she only weighed 7 lbs to begin with).  Fusako said she has an appetite, but as soon as she puts food in her mouth, she either vomits or simply cannot swallow.  Poor kitty.

So, I used Fusako as a surrogate and did a session on Queenie’s health.  Turns out, this was the quickest and most simple session I’ve ever done.  Queenie’s goal was straight forward:  “I have a healthy, happy kitty life!” :3

We did two corrections, one support healing…. and done!

The next morning, as I say good morning to Fusako and give her a hug, she said “she’s eating…!”

I said,  “Huh? Me? Yes, I love eating.”  LOL.

Fusako said,  “No, no, no, Queenie started to eat so much since last night!”

My jaw dropped.

Animals are so simple compared to humans.  This session made me more confident about working with surrogacy and with animals!  Every day I walked down the busy New York City streets, I saw so many dogs.  This trip has reminded me how much passion I have for animals.  I can’t wait to help them in this completely new way 


Her blog is Click here

Testimonial 5

When I first started Integrated Healing (IH), I was skeptical of new therapeutic modalities.  It took me about 6 months after hearing about IH before I decided that I was ready for a session.


What Led Me to IH


My health issues began a little less than a decade before I found Integrated Healing.  The last couple of years were the most difficult. I had digestion issues and muscle pains. I was constantly fatigued, easily stressed, and got injured very quickly; it got to the point where I fractured my foot while sleeping. Despite my healthy relationships, stable career, spirituality and healthy lifestyle (or so I thought), I still constantly experienced these unexplainable symptoms.  I consulted with over a dozen different types of health practitioners.  Although I gained some insight about my health and received some suggestions from each of them, my symptoms were not improving.  I finally decided to try Integrated Healing, when I realized that my poor health was starting to affect my relationships and my attendance at work.


My First IH Experience

My first IH session was truly magical!  My unconscious being provided me with answers to questions that I didn’t know existed.  It felt like I just went through ten psychotherapy sessions, a detox program and attended three months of meditative yoga sessions.  I gained insight about aspects of my life that I didn’t know greatly affected me.  Everything just made sense.  My physical body immediately felt like a full suitcase was lifted off my back.  As a psychotherapist, I was amazed how much insight I gained without even having to verbally share my story or my feelings.  I was immediately convinced that I wanted to become an Integrated Healing Practitioner and share this gift with the world.


Since my first session, I have received and provided numerous IH sessions.  I have gained love, appreciation and increased awareness of myself. I have been able to reconstruct my unhealthy patterns and heal my unknowingly dilapidated soul.  I have been healthy, happy, and at peace. My physical health is at its best and my relationships with others are stronger.  IH sessions are not just a form treatment or service, but a life journey. I am determined to pay it forward and continue to share this love with the Universe.


Why Integrated Healing Program

I could write a book to describe my healing transformation during the ten day Integrated Healing Training Program.  Mathilda’s ability to hold such beautiful space for others is remarkable.  The IH program is designed in a way that the practitioner experiences the work and transformation before providing services for others.  It is highly beneficial for anyone even if they do not want to provide services for others.  As a modality, IH is wonderful in that I can integrate any other healing modalities that I already know and quickly address the root cause of the issue.  It makes my life simpler and I always feel energized after providing sessions!  If you are ready for this journey, come join our loving IH family! 


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